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  Operation Decode Phase 2
Posted by Tibia821 on Mon, June 30th, 2014 at 20:22 - 8 Comments
Tibia821 Germany

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Attention Digimon Fans!
Shortly after the Japanese release of Digimon World Re: Digitize Decode for the 3DS, a region locked console, fans started "Operation Decode" that should gather as many fans as possible. The goal of this operation is to make Digimon video games appear outside of Japan again. Especially since they gained a huge amount of quality over the years. Now, this is old news, why am I telling you this then? Well, "Operation Decode" not only targets a NA and EU release of Digimon World Re: Digitize Decode but also the upcoming PlayStation Vita game, Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth.

This is even bigger news with the Bandai EU manager, Isshak Gravi, saying that we should gather at least 50k fans in this petition and they might consider a European release. Look:

Currently the petitions has around 30,500 fans backing it so the goal isn't that far away. Who knows, maybe they also localize the Digimon Adventure PSP game and bring it on Vita's PSN store to celebrate the 15th Anime anniversary, which is currently hold in Japan.
So, tell your friends, your wife, your dog, your teacher, your bus driver. Let's bring these games to the western market!
If you have signed the petition back then make sure to at least revisit again as your sign might not count anymore.

 » Comment on: Operation Decode Phase 2
Subaru Poland

  Thu, July 3rd, 2014 at 21:33
I have signed for it too.
More Renamon i Europe~!
 » Comment on: Operation Decode Phase 2
Yatterman Finland

  Sat, July 12th, 2014 at 19:08
I have a feeling this Gravi guy is totally trolling people. They have no intention to localise anything, he just wrote that quickly to keep the masses quiet. :D
 » Quoting: Comment on: Operation Decode Phase 2
Tibia821 Germany

  Sat, July 12th, 2014 at 20:24
Yatterman on Sat, July 12th, 2014 at 19:08 GMT  
I have a feeling this Gravi guy is totally trolling people. They have no intention to localise anything, he just wrote that quickly to keep the masses quiet. :D

then he sucks at this because fans became hype.
 » Comment on: Operation Decode Phase 2
Tibia821 Germany

  Thu, July 31st, 2014 at 17:26

Appears this is all we get from this petition. Rather anticlimactic but at least something.

This post has been edited by Tibia821, Thu, July 31st, 2014 at 17:27
 » Comment on: Operation Decode Phase 2
Kiekoes Netherlands

  Fri, August 1st, 2014 at 18:15
15th Anniversary Project announced. Have you seen the trailer? You get suckerpucnhed in the nostalgia right from the start. Can't wait!
 » Comment on: Operation Decode Phase 2
Tibia821 Germany

  Sat, August 2nd, 2014 at 10:46
yeah I've seen it but I'm not that much happy about it. Adventure isn't the best season to have a sequel. I mean look at the disaster in Adventure 02.
 » Quoting: Comment on: Operation Decode Phase 2
Kiekoes Netherlands

  Sat, August 2nd, 2014 at 12:07
Tibia821 on Sat, August 2nd, 2014 at 10:46 GMT  
yeah I've seen it but I'm not that much happy about it. Adventure isn't the best season to have a sequel. I mean look at the disaster in Adventure 02.

Whaaaaat? Adventures 01 and 02 have always been my favorite series! Although it's pretty much for nostalgia reasons.
 » Comment on: Operation Decode Phase 2
Tibia821 Germany

  Sat, August 2nd, 2014 at 21:41
Yeah I'm pretty much the most unnostalgic person ever.

But what I meant is that the plot of Adventure didn't have enough room to have a sequel.
02 was rushed and the story, looking at it in retrospective, is really bad and filled with tons of plot holes.
Which is kinda the fault of the writing teams. In adventure people wrote stuff as they came up with them, literally.
That's why there is no real plot. Villains appear because the last one died. Did they work together? no.
Which is also why the Dark Masters (I believe that's how they were called) didn't attack the Children when they could barely evolve on File Island - the writing team haven't thought of them yet.
Here is the thing, when they wrote the last 2-3 episodes of Adventure they thought "hey let's make the Children loose the crests and realize that they don't need them to warp and super evolve".
At the same time over at the 02 department people were like "Okay so the plan is that Taichi and co. can't warp and super evolve because they gave up their crests offscreen after adventure".
Yeaah... Communication was too expensive back then... BTW 02 budget was small.
Also one big thing with 02, in the Japanese the children are called "chosen Children" so if Taichi and Co. were chosen by Genai and co. then who chose Daisuke and co. and the international Children? If it was Genai he could say it or at least hint at it. He had enough screen time for it.
I mean the very reason why Chiaki J. Konaka, the head writer of Tamers, went with the Tamers concept was because he didn't want to deal with these "who chose the chosen children" BS.
Oh yeah and the Demon Corps and the Dark ocean are also Ideas that were dropped for no reason.
02 was really a mess.

03 or whatever it will be called is going to suffer from that. But at least this season won't be rushed like 02 xD
I hope they will do good job with it and that they finally do something good with the franchise. Xros Wars really wasn't what everyone wanted.

But what makes me wonder is why they made an extra English version when the franchise is pretty much dead outside of Japan? I mean we have Xros Wars on Nick, which flops, the new Rumble game, which will flop, and Germany doesn't even have a Xros wars anime release. Four years after it originally aired in Japan.
Man this shit's confusing.

This post has been edited by Tibia821, Sat, August 2nd, 2014 at 21:46

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