If you love puzzles this game is for you. It makes tons of mind scrambling puzzles and messes with your mind!
Something about darkness taking over some town and you need to rid the darkness with your prism's and lights, etc. It's only stated during the beginning intro of the game. Rating: 4/10
This game is great. There are so many puzzles that are available, Time attack mode, Multiplayer mode against your friends, etc. It's just made of awesome. You control "Glowbos" who illuminate light, and your goal is to feed the right color light into the right color blob things... It takes a whole lot of thinking when you get to level 30+, and you do get hints along the way. Rating: 8/10
Rating: N.A/10
The appeal is the Puzzle factor. The game is founded on puzzles and that just makes me enjoy it all the more, because I am an avid Puzzle fan. The appeal would have to be the puzzles and the multiplayer. Rating: 7/10
A is grab. D-Pad is move. Pretty straightforward. Rating: 5/10
This game is a must-get if you love puzzles, or want to test your brain power. It's even a ton of fun, even though you can get frustrated so much that it makes you do a stage like an obsession. I recommend this game to anyone who loves puzzles, because it is an amazing game and deserves its glory in the great Puzzle games category.
SCHUMI-4-EVA on Tue, October 2nd, 2007 at 19:57[»]
I thought you final rating was based on the ratings in the different sections?
That would give it like a 5.
Since the storyline is really non-existent and the controls are simple, the rating is based on actual gameplay for this one because it's entirely a puzzle game.