The SuperCard Team, one year after creating SuperCard SD, and SuperCard CF, managed to create a new version of SuperCard, the SuperCard Mini SD. Well, the use of Mini SD, instead of a SD, isn’t the only different feature this time around. SuperCard Mini SD, now features the same size as a normal Gba Cart, Battery for the SRAM, which mean that the Gba saves will stay, even after the unit is turned off.
The box of SuperCard Mini SD, contains only the SuperCard Mini SD, and nothing more, but the box is simply gorgeous, as it explains what are the features of SuperCard, has the photo of SuperCard Mini SD, etc. The only problem in it, is the typos, like last years SuperCard SD/CF box...
Build Quality
I plain and simply LOVE the design of SuperCard Mini SD, as it is the same size of a normal Gba Cart, the quality is exactly the same. The thing that makes the SuperCard Mini SD so special is the fact, that the slot of the Mini SD, is on the top, this means that you will not need anymore to take the SuperCard off the Nintendo DS, so you can take the Mini SD off.
As DS-Scene is mostly a site about homebrew, i am going to focus this review more on the homebrew part that the rom dump one. Homebrews on the SuperCard dont need to be patched, normally homebrews come packaged with a .nds.gba and a .nds, most of the times the version that you need to use is the .nds, but if it does white screens, well you need to rename the .nds.gba version to .nds, that way it will work for sure. Sometimes it comes on the package a .sc.nds version of the homebrew, if it comes, then you should use that version, cause its specially created for the SuperCard. To better perform the test of homebrews on SuperCard Mini SD, i tried some of them, and got this results:.
Beup - Works MoonShell - Works DSLiveWeather - Works DSOrganize - Works A Touch of War - Works
From what i know, all homebrews pretty much work, but anyway, i tested some of them, and as you can see, i got the best results i could get...
Well for the test of Nintendo DS Backups (aka roms) I tried the games that normally have problems with other flashcarts.
New Super Mario Bros - Works, but has problems with the mini games. Final Fantasy III - Works Elite Beat Agents - Works Mario Hoops - Works Jump! Ultimate Stars - Works Pokemon Diamond – Works
As you can see they all work and if they dont, the SuperCard Team usually release a new software and firmware update if needed.
Its the perfect solution for people who want something simple that plays all games, and homebrews, enough said.
+ Pretty Cheap + Excellent DS compability + Easy to Use + Good homebrew support + Upgradeable firmware
- Gba compability, well its pretty bad - Menu its too simple - Menu doesnt support skinning or the use of touch screen
Overall Score
DS-Scene would like to thank KickTrading for sending us a sample of SuperKey for reviewing purposes, and we expect to have more stuff from them to review.