Hi I'd like to trade fc's with people so i can duel good opponents my game name is tatsu and my fc is
I know this may seem late but lately all ive been gettin is people who dc. I've even got someone today who just outright cheated ( ITS IMPOSSIBLE TO WIN ON FIRST TURN !!!!) oh well. I look forward to many interesting duels!
This post has been edited by Tatsukage, Sat, November 27th, 2010 at 04:59
what version yugioh is this? because from what I remember of elementary school, it was impossible to win on the first turn because you can't attack your opponent. The only possibility is to get exodia on the first turn. And what is the latest version on yugioh that is not the bike something something where you duel while riding a motorcycle?
Wait... isn't Exodia like, 5 cards? And IIRC, you can only draw 7 cards or so on your first turn, so you need to be really lucky to pull out all of the Exodia cards from a deck with a bunch of cards (60, amirite?).
I really need to play some Yu-Gi-Oh! again, it's been too long.
You start with five cards and draw one extra on your first turn. I suppose, somehow, there is a remote chance that you drew all 5 of the Exodia cards - that turn - in a deck of 40 cards minimal.