Ah sorry about that, my mistake, I forgot that they randomly do a check if I'm not doing some terrorist-like actions there
(just kidding, in fact it's about material-content)
Meanwhile I will write then something more as You ask
Project is about making TCG with some fantasy background, two nations (races) are fighting with each other, nobody really remembers why because war lasts so long
There will also be neutral units that will provide help to whatever side will pay more money &c.
Project is of course being written to DS as homebrew, everybody will be able to play it for free (tough maybe I will set up donations if that won't collide with license)
Online play is planned but not sure yet if it will be like WFC thing, with server somewhere or maybe just local play, it's long future ahead
Anything else I may answer?
Oh seems like the site is up again ^_^
This post has been edited by Subaru, Thu, November 3rd, 2011 at 11:44