Subaru, Ignismare and Akira have released revision 4 of Clash of Gods TCG, a fantasy-based card game for the DS.
Authors' description
It tells the story of an epic war waged by the powerful Humans and the savage Beastmen. It’s a simple little independent project with a very small crew fighting against all the possible problems in the world to bring you one of the most fun card-based fantasy experience you can expect, and all that without a penny spent .
Changelog (31/01/12)
Basic face-down template of card drawn (the big one)
Resolved some data manage problems
Some more music (this one will be for battle when implemented)
Save/Load stuff (basic one let's say it works)
New in-game menu buttons
More BASIC graphics (here and there)
Testing new way of managing cards in separate project (let's say it works)
Shuffling the deck and putting cards on "table" (mwahaha)
Checking what card is in which position (on that "table")
Displaying text info about selected card (again on that "table")
Drawing face-down template card (big and mini done)
Correcting statistics of cards in database according to the temporal graphics
Implementing the table to play (One Player Table)
Summoning cards to their proper places (for no cost for now)
Implementing face-down template of card (let's say it's done)
Drawing face-down template card (done)
Secret Codes Stuff (Ignismare gave idea)
Displaying card effects near them at the view screen (let's say it's version 1)
In-game menu actions (basic ones done)
Moving cards listing to pause menu (done under second option)
Adding one more SIMPLE background for In-game menu options (one-color IS simple)
Corrected summoning cards (well one summon and that's it for now...also for no mana cost...)
Adding some new cards that was done recently (and ordered them by number)
Yet another correction to one of backgrounds (small but annoying graphical bug)
Adding graphics for new cards AND correcting current ones (Done)
Clock function fixed (tough it may not work on all emulators, it's emulator fault then)
Fixed card listing problem where it once jumped from #1 to #3 (easy)
BugFix: Summoned Card jumps from place to place (temporal but for now it's ok)
Rechecking Cards for bugs (DONE!)
Special New Year character and Battle Event Trigger (Done!)
I Subaru officially thank You Nathan for this news post If someone will not know what to do or will get lost or will just want to talk about project, please do so here or on forums, I will try to answer as soon as possible
SuperCard DSTwo Acekard + R4 + EZ 3-in-1 Exp Pack == SuperCard DSTwo + 3DS == (FC: 4854-7071-6755) [PM before adding] [iSubaru@Ura-Server ~]$ /usr/bin/coffee Clash of Gods Resurrection Clash of Gods Changelog
Good to hear that ^_^ If You would wonder about magenta-alike pixels in the menu, I know about them already thanks to guys on GBATemp, Moonwalk is also officially left to be there (Ignismare wanted that mainly) Not sure about clock, no$gba could work with it but for example 3DS couldn't, so I'm puzzled now if the code works on that part or not =_= Also It's not possible to summon first card on the left from hand, it's silly bug that slipped off my hands <_< I will correct it to next rev
SuperCard DSTwo Acekard + R4 + EZ 3-in-1 Exp Pack == SuperCard DSTwo + 3DS == (FC: 4854-7071-6755) [PM before adding] [iSubaru@Ura-Server ~]$ /usr/bin/coffee Clash of Gods Resurrection Clash of Gods Changelog