I´m kind of having an issue with loading in and displaying images from FAT with the new project. Half of the graphics display correctly, the other half doesn´t. Garbled stuff all over the place.
That´s been dealt with. A really non-obvious faulty behaviour for which I sure don´t feel responsible. It now working fully dynamicly with FAT is great though. Awesome sight.
Loading it all in will take approximately 10 to 20 seconds in the final build, but it´ll be more than worth it. So let me know when you have spare time on your hands and would like to see how this is all done and then we can continue on your project as well.
Edit: If you would like to use the same method for loading in graphics and such, your project should load up much faster than what I predicted for my own project. So don´t worry about that. (Maybe around 5 seconds? More than reasonable.)
*edited on 2006/10/28 10:20:46 by Dark Knight ez
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