I just have to mention this as it has already cropped up a few times already. This relates to transferring your scores over WiFi:
Known Issue
There are no major problems with the game at all. Sometimes you may experience connection problems when using the WiFi Transfer mode and the game may not get past the connecting screen. In this case, reboot your DS and try connecting before entering any of the other menus. If the problem still persists then the problem must lie within your DS connection configuration.
So if your DS appears to freeze while trying to transfer your score, just reboot the DS and try again before entering any other menu. After this you should have no further problems transferring. Sorry I tried to get rid of it but I really couldn't get it any better than it is.
i hope you have fun with this anyway and I look forward to seeing your scores on the board. A few are starting to appear already but triforce is just owning it at the moment!