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 » Comment on: Innocence v0.01
Triforce United Kingdom

  Sat, January 17th, 2009 at 16:44
Jenna already put a link to the song above

Here's how to register at nico nico douga, kk

Click the red text in the image below to start


Click the silver button shown in the image below to open a standard account (free)


Follow the steps in the image below


If everything went ok you should now be at the page in the image below
follow the instruction in it:


Now check your email and click on the link in the mail you got from nico video to activate your account. You should then be taken to the page in the image below, click on the text on the right to be taken back to the main page. there will now be 2 big buttons half way down the page the one on the left is like a tour of how to use nico video and the one on the right just takes you to the standard homepage where you can start watching or uploading videos.


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