Rudolph has been working on a new manager for the EZ Flash V 3-in-1 Expansion Pack. This tool is very similar to Cory1492's GBAldr and it allows you to flash GBA roms to the expansion pack using any DLDI enabled slot 1 card and it also has support for rumble and browser patches for R4/M3 users. The great thing about these tools are that you can flash smaller games (under 16MB/128mbit) using the PSRAM mode instead which is a hell of alot faster than the standard NOR mode and in makes it alot nicer when playing many GBA games in quick succession.
Well there is a downfall to this which is that the EZ Flash Team are favouring this tool over Cory1492's GBAldr which led Cory to say that he would only create private projects for the device from now on meaning that this could be the last we see of him working with this. I would personally like to thank Cory1492 for his hard work he has put in and he really got the ball rolling (along with BigBoss).
You may need to apply the DLDI patch for your flashcart before using this app. Version 1.7 is pre-patched for the R4/M3 Simply.
Create a folder named GBA in the root of your memory card, and create a folder named Save inside the GBA folder. GBA backups go in the /GBA folder. Saves will be placed in the /GBA/SAVE folder.
L and R switch between the PSRAM, NOR and Rumble screens. The Rumble screen only shows up on supported carts.
(A) Load the selected game into PSRAM and run it.
[start] Load the selected game into PSRAM and soft reset back to the flashcart menu. (only works on R4/M3 Simply and DSLink) Until the power is turned off, the game in PSRAM will be used when switching to GBA mode or using DS<->GBA linkage.
(B) Backup the save for the last game run from PSRAM. (X) Backup all SRAM to SRAM.BIN. (Y) Restore all SRAM from SRAM.BIN.
NOR Mode:
(A) Write the selected game to NOR. (X) Start the game that is in the NOR. (B) Backup the save from the NOR game to a file. (Y) Restore the save for the NOR game from the save file.
Rumble Mode:
This screen has options for enabling rumble and the web browser RAM expansion. The options on this screen will currently only work with the R4/M3 Simply and the DSLink
Select an option and press (A) to enable that feature and soft reset back to the flashcart menu. The feature you enabled should now work for any DS game or app that supports it.
I hope ez flash team will release a kernel with "flash to psram" because this option is very cool
It works very well. Rudolph is a great talent... he turned the 3-in-1 into an EZ4mini GBA-wise. Very cool, but needs skins and an *.ini for more user control.
I think Team EZ will add PSRAM flashing... at least to the EZ5.
Oh, and it will load 16MB/128mb... not 16mbit.
Comment On: - Rudolph´s EZ-Flash V 3-in-1 Tool v1.7