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sakket Chad

  Fri, November 20th, 2009 at 15:16
parvulus on Fri, November 20th, 2009 at 13:02 [»]

  I don't think there's been any real western RPGs for any system in 5 years or more.  The modern western "rpg" is always at least half fps or action, etc.

i understand what you're sayin, but i dont necessarily agree. The way I see it, the only requirement for an RPG should be that it is immersive and involve decisions that affect a range of factors in the storyline, opposed to just character stats, regardless of the game mechanic used. Adding a hand-eye factor to the gameplay simply makes it more involving.

in a sense, a pure action game with branching paths, like starfox, is more of an rpg than most rpgs.

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