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 » Quoting: Comment on: 4469 - Wizardry ~Inochi ...abi~ (JPN) (512Mbit) (High-Road)
sakket Chad

  Fri, November 20th, 2009 at 16:52
peachadelic on Fri, November 20th, 2009 at 16:06 [»]
Otherwise, games like these are for people who enjoy playing a game where they kill kobolds for 2 hours and then being overly happy and excited because their fighters HP is now 60 instead of 25 and his AC improved by 4 with the new found plate mail, whereas others would have seen this as 2 wasted hours.

exactly, now compare to this game http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/1631 (which you can download for free)
EXTREMELY punishing level of difficulty, but at the same time shit actually happens that resembles a story. it's not so much a "random encounter" as it is "you are attacked by fuckin wolves who can totally mess you up"

im not saying rpgs shouldn't be called rpgs and that starfox should, I just think there arent enough games that really let you play a role effectively, or at the very least give your imagination enough room to think so. I think wizardry type games try to achieve the "imagine in the blanks" business, but they just dont do it for me.

hot damn somebody needs to make a Barbarian Prince homebrew.

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