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 » Quoting: Comment on: 4469 - Wizardry ~Inochi ...abi~ (JPN) (512Mbit) (High-Road)
Kon-Tiki Belgium

  Fri, November 20th, 2009 at 17:09
peachadelic on Fri, November 20th, 2009 at 16:06 [»]

The Wizardry games, as far as I know them, don't have much of a story. Sure, there's a setting, some talk and a reason why you go into the dungeon, but from then on it's just "Yeah go to the bottom of the dungeon and slay that guy". So it's a dungeon crawl, a hack & slash.
I'm not sure how complex these later Wizardry games get, but if it's on the level of other JRPGs, then I don't see why you would play this. The most tactically sophisticated thing you'll see in a JRPG is something along the lines of "Oh, it's an ice monster, let's use fire spells!"
In the 80s that might have been adequate, but for a game that has no real story, I'd rather have a bit more depth.
Otherwise, games like these are for people who enjoy playing a game where they kill kobolds for 2 hours and then being overly happy and excited because their fighters HP is now 60 instead of 25 and his AC improved by 4 with the new found plate mail, whereas others would have seen this as 2 wasted hours.

I wouldn't even go as far as calling most JRPGs games :P They usually are cutscenes, linked together with frustratingly similar random battles. If I play an RPG, I want a good story, yeah. I want to also play a game. That's where most JRPGs go up in smoke. They could just as well be a book.

Edit: It might not be for the DS, and it might not be that Barbarian thing, but there's a freeware version of Hero Quest, which you can find here.

This post has been edited by Kon-Tiki, Fri, November 20th, 2009 at 17:11

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