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 » Comment on: 4712 - Dragon Ball DS 2: Totsugek...on Gun (JPN) (512Mbit) (Caravan)
Jenna Haze United States

  Thu, February 11th, 2010 at 20:35
Triforce that hex isn't working, there's 2 more posted now and i think 589 is the one you should use.


OpenPatch 形式にしておいた
ドラゴンボールDS2 突撃 !レッドリボン軍 [D240967D]
00004500: C0 2F 2D CF A6 BF 27 12 61 EA 14 42 41 47 9F A7 → 28 00 9F E5 00 10 90 E5 28 20 9F E5 02 00 51 E1
00004510: 91 A8 77 81 F1 AA 80 A2 AD 38 DA 4C 16 5C 96 A5 → 1C 00 9F 15 00 10 90 15 02 00 51 11 72 10 A0 03
00004520: 17 78 0F B0 D4 30 11 EF AA B9 30 8D D2 DA 8D AE → 08 10 C0 05 8E 10 A0 03 C4 10 C0 05 1E FF 2F E1
00004530: 3E EB 22 91 26 01 84 FA 3A CA 0F AB → 5C 26 13 02 94 70 13 02 34 5D 09 E0
00004A18: 1E FF 2F E1 → B8 FE FF EA

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