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 » Comment on: 4704 - Minna no Conveni (JPN) (256Mbit) (BAHAMUT)
Triforce United Kingdom

  Thu, February 11th, 2010 at 23:56
Hex fix for this game: to avoid random freezing or game not saving

00004300: 1C 00 9F E5 00 10 90 E5 18 20 9F E5 02 00 51 E1
00004310: 72 10 A0 03 08 10 C0 05 8E 10 A0 03 C4 10 C0 05
00004320: 1E FF 2F E1 38 B5 0F 02 34 5D 09 E0
00004A18: 38 FE FF EA

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