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 » Quoting: Quoting: Comment on: 4967 - Soccer T... 2010 (JPN) (1024Mbit) (BAHAMUT)
ayoopdog United Kingdom

  Thu, May 27th, 2010 at 14:39
Njrg on Wed, May 26th, 2010 at 21:22 [»]

Triforce on Wed, May 26th, 2010 at 19:19 [»]

BarryDingle on Wed, May 26th, 2010 at 18:29 [»]

coczero on Wed, May 26th, 2010 at 18:15 [»]

football game for DS =:/

It's not football, it's soccer.

On the contrary, Soccer is actually better known as Football in most countries

The other countries have it right.
A sport that uses feet to play is properly named Football while as American football is 95% hands.
I also believe Americans should use the metric system. Our current measuring system is retarded. 12 Inches = Foot, 3 feet = yard, ect... The metric is better because everything is divisible by 10's and 100's making it much easier match.
However I think the whole world should be using our Fahrenheit system as it is more acute. Why must we all be so different?

I agree with you.. we should all have a universal system. A bit like the DSM crisis in the 50s.. europe and america unified our medical knowledge :D

but I strongly disagree with the Fahrenheit statement. Unlike the Metric-Imperial system, temp scales are all as useful as each other based on the context. With many liquids Degrees Celcius would be useful to use since
Water freezes at 0°C and boils at 100°C.. easy and makes sense right? but with Fahrenheight it's melt at 32F boil at 211.97F
slightly harder. But it's great for measuring extremely hot things like surfaces of the sun.. (but Kelvin system is even better at that as absolute 0 is 0K)

anyways, back on topic.. the game!
It's no world cup 2010 south africa slayer but.. it's actually quite fun. Been playing for about 20 mins now :D

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