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 » Comment on: 5386 - Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Tot...i-Land (JPN) (256Mbit) (Caravan)
Captain Durden Pacific Ocean

  Fri, December 3rd, 2010 at 07:32
lastmartini on Fri, December 3rd, 2010 at 06:26 [»]

Yes her name is Pauline.
Mario aka Jumpman saved her from Donkey Kong in the original arcade game Donkey Kong. (That was directed towards the first poster)

Peach and Princess Toadstool are the same person. Her full name is Princess Peach Toadstool.

I would categorize him more as a hero, since all he gets are kisses.
And the only one that has a romantic relationship with Mario, is Peach.

actually the name peach toadstool is a retcon,
an attempt to merge the japanese and western names into one.
i personally still refer to the princess as toadstool,
peach is sort of her bizarro japanese evil twin sister or
something like that (toadstool=sitting in a castle waiting
to get rescued; peach=proactive female hero who technically doesn't need
any rescuing cuz she's badass- and can fly!).
also, after messing around with tatanga and DK i'm pretty
sure Mario deserved - and got some from both pauline and

and yeah, i know that in recent times daisy seems
to be romantically involved with luigi, but let's
face it, luigi is a wuss and she only puts up with
him cuz she tasted that sweet sweet plumber love and
now settles for the lesser brother so she can get any at all
(luigi's the methadone to marios black tar heroin if you will).

at this point i'm considering writing some mario fan fiction,
i really have NO life at all- but a pretty good grasp on those characters
romantic inclinations, i think.

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