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 » Quoting: Comment on: 5449 - SaGa 3: Jikuu no ... (JPN) (1024Mbit) (RobotKillers)
Sylar100 United States

  Thu, January 6th, 2011 at 03:27
MyNameIsNobody on Thu, January 6th, 2011 at 01:05 [»]

The binary edit doesn't work (Wood R4 1.21 and 1.20), talk about awkward :

Hopefully it's the ROM that's bad, anyone use a different R4 firmware?

edit: I guess I should add that it gives me the same data read error that you get if you use an unpatched ROM.

Doesn't work on the Acekard 2.1 either, this is the first time that AAP has failed for me, my world made sense 5 seconds ago.

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