Surprising, if someone asked me who i thought would be the first team to show their card working under 1.4 firmware i would have put R4i last on the list.
Good news i guess, if it can be done on a standard R4i then surely all "i" cards can come up with a workaround
That link was in the top post all along, it's just an R4i Gold
Edit: It seems like all they have done is change the game id the cart uses. Dunno if they will release a new revision of the R4i with this update.
I'll give props for the video but there's still no denying that R4 is a shit card. All the support has been unofficial, if it wasn't for ysmenu and people creating rom patches to fix newer games then most of the users would have had to buy another card by now.
This post has been edited by Triforce, Thu, August 6th, 2009 at 00:03